Weather Averages

At Travel Without Maps, we provide average weather across nearly 3,000 holiday weather resorts, destinations and locations including the likes of Benidorm, Paris, Paphos, Lisbon, Krakow, Valencia, Milan, Porto, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Tenerife, Lanzarote and Portugal.

In this guide:


Average Weather By Country:

Month Degrees Celsius
Abu Dhabi 34
Africa 22
Cambodia 32
Canada 11
China 18
Croatia 19
Cuba 29
Cyprus 24
Dominican Republic 31
Egypt 28
France 19
Greece 20
Italy 21
Jamaica 30
Kenya 25
Malaysia 32
Mexico 29
Morocco 29
Portugal 21
Seychelles 30
Spain 21
Sri Lanka 31
Thailand 32
Turkey 23
Vietnam 26

Monthly Average Weather Guides:

Our Monthly Average Weather Guides have about 100 destinations each to provide you with inspiration or ideas for a holiday, break or trip and lets you check what the average weather is likely to be:

How Are Holiday Weather Averages Calculated

The most important weather conditions for you to be aware of are the likes of:

  • Average Temperature
  • Average High and Low Temperatures
  • Average Number of Sunshine Hours

We continue to add information to over website but, this key information allows you to know and prepare for what the likely average weather is going to be.