Gothenburg Weather in February

Normally average temperatures in Gothenburg through the month of February is 2 with the high being 1 with lows around -4 degrees celsius. We have put some more info below:

Month Degrees Celsius
Temperature 2
High Temperature 1
Low Temperature -4
Sunshine Per Day 3

Gothenburg, Sweden Weather in February FAQs

What weather can I expect?

You can expect that it will be 2 celsius but it does vary throughout the day

Generally what are the winter months like?

Daily winter temperatures are about 2

Whats the weather average difference between summer to winter?

Usually you can expect the temperature to be different by 8 variance in temperatures

How cold should I expect it to get?

Our weather insight tells us it will go to -4 degrees celsius.Useful Links: Gothenburg Weather: Average Weather & Yearly Climate