Akureyri Weather

Akureyri Average Weather & Yearly Climate

Typically the weather in Akureyri offers an average daily temperature of 7 degrees celsius.

Typically we know that August is the hottest period and March is when its the coolest month meaning that temperatures vary by 14. Usually temperatures offer about 5 from Spring, 14 in Summer with temperatures going to 7 through the Autumn months and 3 during Winter.

Month Degrees Celsius
January 3
February 2
March 1
April 4
May 9
June 13
July 14
August 15
September 12
October 6
November 4
December 3

What are the Weather Insights, Yearly Temperature, Climate in Akureyri?

We have collated several historical weather facts and data to help you determine when the best time to visit Akureyri

  • Typical Average Daily Temperature: 7
  • Typical Hottest Month: August
  • Typical Coldest Month: March
  • Average Spring Temperature: 5
  • Average Summer Temperature: 14
  • Average Autumn Temperature: 7
  • Average Winter Temperature: 3